Sunday, November 11, 2012

Garlic Harvest and more


Harvesting garlic! I was super exited!


                                                  Garlic scapes!
  I had no idea you can use garlic scapes in your cooking. I was visiting our local farmers market this summer, and I saw the farmer selling garlic scapes.How awesome is that! I came home and made Pesto.Totally yummy.I will learn to post links next.=)

Isaiah loves helping in the garden!
                          Isaiah last year! He had a blast planting.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I have lots to update! I have been crazy busy this past spring and summer.  Gardening, Canning, reading about canning, baking, and lots more.  I have learned a lot.  Still so much to learn.  Always setting high expectations for myself. Good and not so good.I have been really exited about all the things we grew in the garden,  one was the harvest of our garlic!  Beautiful, words cannot describe how I felt about pulling up those big bulbs that were so plentiful.  I know it sound a little crazy...But I get so much joy out of God's creation.  How you can put a tiny seed in the soil and get such a amazing abundance!  We also had a beautiful little baby!  So today Ill just post photos of our summer joys!

                Made lots of Jam this summer! It was such great fun!

                                                   A little sample of my bread
                              A little part of our garden=)

                             Benjamin 10-10-12

   I have lots of great Ideas for next years garden to share with you next time.More Herb knowledge to share as well=) Talk to you soon!